Thursday, April 12, 2007

Summary in English

Hello my friends!

I´m now in Coyhaique in patagonia and I´m in the midle of the jurney of my life! Six weeks ago I left Villa Ohiggens in the end of the Caratera Australwith 3 horses and two friends. And we have had an incredible good time.

I had sutch a good luck. After I arrived Villa Ohiggens and used 3 weeks bying a horse, I left the willage but returned after 1.5 km because my lugage tipt under the stomack of the horse and it runn back home.The same evening I mett Klaas from Holland who had been riding down the Caraterra Austral. He waited for a friend Magdalene from Germany who was going to ride back north with him to Cochrane. Luckely for me we ended opp riding together to Chochane, and when Klaas had to go back home Magda desided to continue her travel with me.
And I´m happy for that, because it is nice to have some companie on the road, when I don´t understand what people are saying, for making the fire when I´m bilding the tent, someone to talk to when the days are getting long, and someone to laught with when something funney happens.
The hospitality among the people here is amasing and the dors are open. The first part of the tripp was on an old horse path from VillaOhiggens to Cochrane. We were riding trough amasingly beutifull nature and had the luck to chatch fresh fish in the rivers.We rested one week with an old man, Eraldo Real is his name and he is one of those fantastick originales living here on the countryside. He is living a 3 days ride from his closeet naighbour and he go shopping food two times a year. Ha has a house in town but he don´t like to stay there becauseit is to much people.. the town has 2000 sitisns. He lives in a house where you get the rain in your hed when you are sitting on the wrong place and have a fire place on the ground to cook on. This is not so speshial, becuse manny people live like this in this wirld. The spesheal ting is that he has chousen this, and that the naigbour house is a house with a bed, a stove and you don´t see the sunn throughthe wals. But he is happy with his life, he wouldnt like it to be different. That is fassinating!
We are so incredibel lucky to meet al theis people on our way and to get to knowe them all, because wee have the time. We have the time to sitt down and to drink a mate, to ask how tehir life is and to eat a dinner with them. And we are ofte innnvited to eat a dinner with the people here. When we arrive somewere in the afernoon, they find a place with good graas for our horses and make a dinner for uss, normaly a steak of some caind. The people here are amased that we are two girls traveligng these long way on horses, eaven with a pack horse. We do get tehir respeckt and they aprishiate that we take their culture serious and that we are a little like them. The most people here remember verry wel how it was to trawel with horses for in manny parts they diddn´t have a road untill 10-15 years ago, so the memmorie of trawelign with horses is verry fresh. The menns are imprest that two gringas do this alone and are qurios of who we are, and the old wimens living alone on the farms are happy to get som feamail vissiters. One day it was eaven an old womman that was crying when we left. I dont knowe whye but it is tutching, and a meating that I wil remember for a long time.

So we are getting treated werry good and are getting alott of helpe where ever we go. So life here is good and we have been extreamly luckey with the wether, manny sunney days and worm vinds. But the autumn is here soI´m preparing my selfe for the opposite. But the autun is allso a beutifull time. All the colores, the frouts and vegetables, the fresh air and long dark evenings.
My spanishe is allso getting bether,everyday I learn something more and now I´m quite good in comunicating with the farmers here. We can talkabout the horses, the kaus, the cultivating and the forest. Som my spanishe is a bitt speshialised for the countreyside. The best is thatit is easyer and easyer to speak with people and that make me able tolearn more and more. And that is how I like it!

I dont knowe how to deskribe this life and experianse, but it is sutsh a privilage to wake upp in the mornings inside a warm sleapingbag and to heare the horses eatig gras on the outside. To go out from tent and, make a fire and eat some apels form the aple tre that we sleptunderneath. To sadel the horses, to listen to the wind, feal the strength of the horse under me while trotting, to fall halfe asleap on the top of the horsback when the sunn is heating, to lurn a new song to the rithems of the horsshous against the road, to find a grean place close to the river for the night or gett invited to sleap over at a farmers house witch inklud dinner and brekfest. It is so wounderfull to get this chanse to think, feal and to enyoy.Traweling Like this is a fantastik exoerianse! And are highly recomended.

Have a wonderful time where you are.

Hugs form Nora:)


Blogger Elina said...

Heej Nora!! Nu kan jag äntligen skriva ett inlägg till dig, var tvungen registrera mig först! SÅÅÅ himla cool du är alltså, jag sitter här i svensbyn med mamma och pappa och visar dem din hemsida! De hälsar så mycket!! Du tar riktigt vackra bilder, fortsätt med det! :) Ni ser ut att ha det bra där borta! Jag tänker på dig! Skriv snart igen! Kramar från Norra Sverige

1:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Nora!
I so your photos, amazing!
I wish I were somewhere closer to you, I also dream about South America but I’m here at work.
Nothing special happens. Andrey has moved to Stockholm.
I hope see you somehow. Enjoy your being in Patagonia!

Tanya (Ukraine)

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

11:38 PM  

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